Soft Switches and Status Indicators CLR80STORE=$C000 ;80STORE Off- disable 80-column memory mapping (Write) SET80STORE=$C001 ;80STORE On- enable 80-column memory mapping (WR-only) CLRAUXRD = $C002 ;read from main 48K (WR-only) SETAUXRD = $C003 ;read from aux/alt 48K (WR-only) CLRAUXWR = $C004 ;write to main 48K (WR-only) SETAUXWR = $C005 ;write to aux/alt 48K (WR-only) CLRCXROM = $C006 ;use ROM on cards (WR-only) SETCXROM = $C007 ;use internal ROM (WR-only) CLRAUXZP = $C008 ;use main zero page, stack, & LC (WR-only) SETAUXZP = $C009 ;use alt zero page, stack, & LC (WR-only) CLRC3ROM = $C00A ;use internal Slot 3 ROM (WR-only) SETC3ROM = $C00B ;use external Slot 3 ROM (WR-only) CLR80VID = $C00C ;disable 80-column display mode (WR-only) SET80VID = $C00D ;enable 80-column display mode (WR-only) CLRALTCH = $C00E ;use main char set- norm LC, Flash UC (WR-only) SETALTCH = $C00F ;use alt char set- norm inverse, LC; no Flash (WR-only) READROM = $C082 ROM override Bank 2 selection RROMWRAM2 = $C081 READ ROM write RAM RDWRTLC2 = $C083 Read RAM write RAM READRAM2 = $C080 READ RAM no write Bank 1 selection RROMWRAM1 = C089 ReadROM Write RAM RDWRTLC1 = C08B Read RAM write RAM READRAM1 = C088 Read RAM no write AUXMOVE = $C311 Bit seven of these Read Status locations is 1 if the condition is true RDLCBNK2 = $C011 ;reading from LC bank $Dx 2 RDLCRAM = $C012 ;reading from LC RAM RDRAMRD = $C013 ;reading from aux/alt 48K RDRAMWR = $C014 ;writing to aux/alt 48K RDCXROM = $C015 ;using internal Slot ROM RDAUXZP = $C016 ;using Slot zero page, stack, & LC RDC3ROM = $C017 ;using external (Slot) C3 ROM RD80COL = $C018 ;80STORE is On- using 80-column memory mapping RDVBLBAR = $C019 ;not VBL (VBL signal low) RDTEXT = $C01A ;using text mode RDMIXED = $C01B ;using mixed mode RDPAGE2 = $C01C ;using text/graphics page2 RDHIRES = $C01D ;using Hi-res graphics mode RDALTCH = $C01E ;using alternate character set RD80VID = $C01F ;using 80-column display mode TAPEOUT = $C020 ;toggle the cassette output. SPEAKER = $C030 ;toggle speaker diaphragm