A2 basic / assembly programming info
-------useful , neat, and unusual stuff-------
SCRN(x,y) for the Hires screen. Send this routine the X,Y you want to look at on the HGR screen, and it will return the value of the pixel at that location (on or off, black or white)
generate a lookup table for the HGR screen
graphics softswitches
Text scrolling routines. scroll any are of the text screen in any direction FAST
Text printing routines. easily print strings and send dos3.3 commands from assembly
change where a BASIC program is loaded to in RAM
hplot a pixel from assembly
hplot a line from assembly
ONERR stack fix
Self Modifying BASIC code
Use 128k memory cards for extra BASIC variable storage.
Memory map of the II
Apple II video information
Split personality/ MTOS use 1 meg cards to run multiple programs in an a2 at the same time
Bob Bishop Apple II video article
Dos 3.3 calls
monitor calls
RW III programming info
Super Serial card programming info
parallel card programming info
joystick/gameport programming info
call monitor routines from BASIC
Play/record audio from the cassette port
Graphically Speaking FAST preshifted shape animation for hires graphics.
Program for creating preshifted shapes with nice interface
3d program from graphically speaking
fill routine from graphically speaking. flood fill the Hires screen
dos 3.3 commands from Assembly
print the accumulator to COUT as a decimal number