Technical Reference CD page
I have this great CD available for sale.
A must for any apple II programmers
or hardware developers library!
PC format CDROM. Some files are PDFs, some scans are
just groups of Bitmaps.
12 books on prodos, assembly language
programming, technical reference etc.
Apple II. hardware, interfacing,
hacks, assembly language, 6502, high
speed graphics, circuit description
and analysis.
Included on CD:
Understanding the IIe
Jim Sather
everything you need to know about the apple II
Graphically Speaking
by Mark Pelczarski
Apple II graphics programming boox
Assembly Lines The Book
By Roger Wagner
6502 assembly tutor book
Apple Interfacing
Jonathan Titus David Larson Chris Titus
how to make your own interface cards
Robot Arm Projects for the Apple II
By Blakenship
only some of the chapters
(the ones on software and hardware
control, not building the arm)
Apple II reference manual
Apple II applesoft basic reference manual
Apple Monitors Peeled
Beneath Prodos
Beneath Prodos Supplements 1-3
Prodos Technical Reference Manual