The graphic above shows the output of the autonomous - mapper program. On the left is the derived map, on the right is the simulated floorplan.
UPDATE: new software has been added for navigation. More accurate, more "intelligent" and efficient searches. Line detection for objects sensed by sonar. I'm doing more research and trying to use Gameboy camera to navigate.
links require windows PC and internet exploder: NEW january 2005: simulation, autoexplore
The robot now has a face and emotions
flood fill search for unexplored, backtrack look for origin both written in assembly for speed simulation of floorplan and robot movement in BASIC **********************************************8 **********************************************
I built and am continually improving a
ROBOT based on an Apple IIe.
His functions:
I wish he could do this:
Heres a few things that I hope to add to the list of things my robot could do:
I'd like to add some more to his program so he seems
more life like. I guess the auto navigation/map software is a simple
form of artificial intelligence. I'd like to add more programming
to make him appear intelligent.
I'd like to work some more on the speech recognizer, and add the ability
to seperate words in sentences.
Recent Additions
I found a few games that are 'artificially intelligent' and added them to Woz's programs. These include checkers, a few 'remove the last peg' games, the 15 game, and a few others. I also added RACTER and ELIZA to his programs, so now he can be entertaining, insane, or stupid, whichever mood he is in.
Now I want to add the vision system and let him play checkers with a human on a real checker board. DONE, needs to be stuck on the robot.
Books Wanted: